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Colour Analysis

When you book a colour analysis you will discover your own unique mix of colours so you can confidently go beyond black, grey or white. You’ll know which colours you should invest in no matter what the season.

Understanding what colours work for you goes beyond avoiding those that make your face look pale. It’s about understanding how to make colour work for you in different situations, whether you’re on holiday, in the office or at your child’s football match. It’s about knowing that you can look elegant and memorable in a red dress, even if everyone else is wearing black. Because when you’ve mastered the colours that work for you, you’ll have the confidence to be yourself.

What would you like to change?

Be sure which colours suit you best

You are bored of sticking to mainly black and neutral colours and have a feeling of never to be sure what colours suit you. The seasonal colours will give you confidence to wear colours that make you shine.

Sort out your wardrobe

You have an overloaded wardrobe, but “nothing to wear”. After the colour consultation, you can sort out your wardrobe with a clear conscience. Finally, you can avoid unnecessary bad purchases and put together a long-lasting, harmonious and coherent wardrobe.

Look authentic and amazing

You feel that your outfits don´t reflect your natural beauty. If you know how and which colours to combine in an outfit, you will enjoy wearing it: you will feel beautiful and attractive.

Farbberatung, Farbpass, Mut zur Farbe
Farbberatung, Farbpass, Mut zur Farbe
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Confidently go beyond black and white no matter what the season

When you begin to understand your own unique colour mix you will upgrade your styling in a powerful way. It can make you look taller or slimmer or just look in more attractive and authentic way. And we’ll show you how to use colour to strategically reveal the confident, elegant woman you’ve always been.

The colour analysis is best if you want to:

What colour type do I have?
Which seasonal colours suit me best?
What colours should I avoid?

We work with 12 colour types system so be confident we will find the one that suits your particular personality and look, so your eyes, hair and skin look beautiful and authentic while you wear clothes you love.

from 260 EUR incl. VAT

Mike Mitterer
Mike Mitterer
18. Mai, 2023
Tja, was soll ich sagen – Lena ist einfach top! Sie ist nicht nur menschlich sehr nett, sondern auch fachlich eine absolute Expertin. Ich habe sowohl die Stilberatung als auch "Time to Think" bei Lena in Anspruch genommen. Die Atmosphäre während der Beratungen war sehr entspannt, und ihre Herangehensweise war äußerst professionell. Die Aufbereitung und Nachbereitung waren erstklassig. Zugegebenermaßen ist die Dienstleistung nicht billig, aber jedes Mal hatte ich danach das Gefühl, dass es sich absolut gelohnt hat. Es war einfach jeden Cent wert. Ich kann Lena, die Stilberatung und "Time to Think" uneingeschränkt empfehlen!
Vadim G
Vadim G
17. Mai, 2023
For our company's offsite event, we worked with Nina and Lena to offer our employees a workshop on MBTI personality topics. The idea was to get to know each other better, think about different personality types present at our company and how these work together. Nina and Lena performed the workshop in a highly interactive, professional, but also fun way, while conveying all the important aspects of the MBTI system. They are offering a great mix of exercises, theory and sessions to think. Nina and Lena managed to get everyone interested and involved, they came super well prepared and we had a lot of fun on that day. All of our employees were very happy and satisfied too. We highly recommend Nina and Lena if you're looking for a more "out of the box" take on MBTI. Apart from that, they are great in covering adjacent topics, so we are sure to work together with them again. Thanks from all of us!
manu ela
manu ela
12. Mai, 2023
Es war eine tolle fachliche Beratung mit Nina und Lena. Die beiden sind total bemüht und liebevoll, nehmen sich ganz viel Zeit für jeden. Ein sehr leidenschaftliches und fröhliches Duo:) Man wurde wirklich motiviert etwas ändern, sich neu zu entdecken. Es gab spannende und auch überraschende Ergebnisse. Wir würden jederzeit wieder zu euch kommen, danke!
robert ritz
robert ritz
11. Mai, 2023
The two founders Nina and Lena are tremendously energizing and refreshing. We booked a personality coaching session based on the Myers-Briggs model with our company of 12 people and gained many great insides about the own personality and the ones from our colleagues, helping to better understand one another and therefore improving working together as a team. Big thank you to the guidance and teaching of Nina and Lena. Warm recommendations for everyone who is thinking about a similar personality coaching experience no matter the scale!!
5. Mai, 2023
Meine Farbberatung bei Nina war super spannend und hat richtig viel Spaß gemacht. Sie hat mir geholfen meine Farben zu finden, Vorschläge gemacht wie ich sie kombinieren kann, welcher Schmuck dazu passt und konnte auch genau erklären warum welcher Farbton stimmig aussieht. Sie ist ein total lieber Mensch, hat gesprüht vor ehrlicher Begeisterung, die Stimmung war super und ich habe mich sehr gesehen gefühlt. Es war wirklich eine individuelle Beratung, nicht nur um mich in eine Schublade einzuordnen, sondern ganz auf mich persönlich zugeschnitten. Ein rundum tolles Erlebnis und ich freu mich schon darauf meine Garderobe in diese Richtung zu verändern 🙂
28. April, 2023
Lena hat mich sensationell gut durch eine Online-Farbberatung geleitet. Ich durfte sehr viel Interessantes über die Farb-Wahl erfahren. Ich habe noch viel mehr dazu gelernt, als ich gedacht habe. Es war sehr wertvoll. Lena geht mit sehr viel Können, Wissen und Einfühlungsvermögen auf den Menschen ein. Sie versteht es, alle Aspekte des Menschen, der vor ihr steht, mit einzubeziehen.
Sarah Cameron
Sarah Cameron
27. April, 2023
I had a lovely session with Nina. She creates an experience that's so personalised and fun. Credit to her expertise, I walked away ready to experiment with some colours I wouldn't normally gravitate to. I would definitely recommend for anyone looking to build a wardrobe that really compliments their features!
Simon Traub
Simon Traub
21. April, 2023
Nina ist wirklich sehr Hilfsbereit und offen, wir haben schnell gemeinsam einen guten Stil für mich gefunden und ich habe mich das erste mal so richtig sicher damit gefühlt. Ein Dienst den ich sehr gerne in meiner Lebenslaufbahn weiter in Anspruch nehmen werde.
Gudrun Zandt
Gudrun Zandt
10. April, 2023
Tolle Beratung, Dankeschön liebe Nina
Christina B
Christina B
2. April, 2023
Lena hat sich viel Zeit genommen für meine Farbberatung. Wegen ihre herzliche Art hat mir die Beratung viel Spaß gemacht und ich habe viele gute Anregungen und Tipps bekommen.

After the colour analysis in Munich you will:

  • Learn which colours and shades make you shine
  • Learn to combine seasonal colours better and become bolder and more confident in your style
  • Understand your style through your colour type
  • Sort your wardrobe consciously and thoroughly
  • All your outfits are coordinated and go together
  • Avoid unnecessary bad purchases
  • If you want to colour your hair, we will discuss the best colour options
  • Know which lipstick to buy from now on
  • You decide what colour your new glasses should be

Colour Analysis in Munich and Online

Colour Analysis online

Identify your colour type
Learn about highlight colours
Learning to combine colours
Which colours to avoid
Which hair colour suits you
Which frames suit your colour type
Accessories tips
Make-up tips

240 € incl. VAT
Jetzt buchen

Colour Analysis in Munich

Identify your colour type
Learn about highlight colours
Learning to combine colours
Which colours to avoid
Which hair colour suits you
Which frames suit your colour type
Accessories tips
Make-up tips

260 € incl. VAT
Jetzt buchen

Colour Analysis for two

Identify your colour type
Learn about highlight colours
Learning to combine colours
Which colours to avoid
Which hair colour suits you
Which frames suit your colour type
Accessories tips
Make-up tips

390 € incl. VAT
Jetzt buchen

Seasonal colour analysis - how it works


Make an appointment

At the on-site colour consultation in Munich, you can see directly in the consultation mirror which colours are favourable for you and which ones you should avoid. We have over 120 cloths that help us to work out all the nuances of your colour type.


Colour analysis before the mirrow

Your skin, hair and eye colour define your individual type. There are 4 seasons and 12 colour types. We believe that colour makes up to 50% of your personal style and simplifies your wardrobe and shopping.


Your Colour Passport, Hairstyle & Make-up Tips

You will receive a link to order your colour passport from Amazon or directly from the manufacturer. You will also receive personalised advice on which glasses and lipstick colour suits you best.

Colour Analysis is perfect if you

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Never be overlooked again

Knowing your colours gives you an instant tool to gain competence and look professional, regardless of your age. Especially valuable for young professionals in male-dominated industries. If you have blonde hair and green eyes, you will look terribly inauthentic in your black and white outfit, making it impossible to project credibility in the workplace. A colour analysis will help you to discover the colours that make you feel and look great, always dressed for the occasion.

Enhance your natural beauty

If you want to be noticed by a person you feel attracted to, wearing an outfit that matches your personality type will give you an extra edge in showing up and being the “best version of yourself”. You will also attract people who like your style, without saying a word, so that you can enjoy yourself and life more fully and with much more joy.

Bring simplicity in your wardrobe

The colour palette can be used as a roadmap for organising your wardrobe and reducing the number of choices you have to make each morning. It also helps you get more out of your wardrobe because you can combine pieces more easily when you stick to your colour palette.

Make shopping easy and fun

Your personal seasonal colours will make your shopping trips easy and fun. With the colour palette at hand and new gained knowledge of combining the colours in an outfit, you will buy the clothes more consiously and where them much more often.

Look younger no matter your age

A lot changes during the menopause. Not only does your body change, but so do your mindset, attitudes and perceptions. Yet you want to stay young and authentic. This means taking a fresh look at your own style. Changing your appearance in a positive way will help you feel good about yourself.

FAQ - Colour analysis in Munich and online

How can I imagine the process of the colour consultation?
At the personal appointment in Munich, we do the colour consultation in front of a consultation mirror in neutral daylight, so that you could experience for yourself how the colours work on you. We work with the 12-colour system and have over 120 analysis cloths on site. During the colour consultation, we take photos and are happy to send them to you. During the online colour consultation, we explain your type in detail. We show the effect of the colour on the basis of the photos you send us. This way, you can discuss your existing garments with us right away if you are not sure about them. In both cases, you will receive a link to your personal colour passport, which you can easily purchase on Amazon.
Do you also offer colour advice for men?
Of course, it's just as important for men to know their own colours in order to put together stylish outfits.
Do you recommend giving the colour consultation as a gift voucher?
It is the most popular product in our gift voucher section. It takes the styling of the recipient to the next level almost immediately. Without getting too personal, addressing figure specifics or going deep into styling topics. Moreover, your colour type does not change in the course of your life. That's why a colour consultation at an early age is a gift for life, e.g. for your 18th birthday. Recommended for boys as well as girls. But also for men and women. It is never too late for this consultation.

Style Advisor Twins

typveränderung mit Style Advisor Twins

Double Power

Twin sisters, Lena & Nina are independent personal stylists in Munich who believe that true style is the expression of your unique personality. International clients travelling to Munich love working with Lena & Nina because they know it’s about more than clothes – it’s about understated sophistication, devotion to quality and the confidence to command any room.

Since 2010, we have advised over 3,400 international clients* in German, Russian and English. We would be happy to advise you in Munich or online.

As professionally sertified stylists and coaches with over 13 years of experience we are confident to advise you competently and individually on all matters relating to styling, image and personality.

12 Color Types

In colour analysis, we work with four seasons and 12 color types. Three color types are assigned to each season. The seasonal colours are determined in front of the mirror during the consultation and assigned to one of the twelve colour types. At the end you will receive a link to the colour passport that corresponds to your seasonal colours.

Colour analysis: Summer type

The summer type is the most common in Germany. It is represented by 3 mixed types that look very different. For example, the outfits of the cool summer type are much more extravagant than those of the light summer type, who are best suited to delicate, monochromatic combinations. The soft summer type, on the other hand, should learn to incorporate warm tones from their own colour palette to suit their type.

As a summer type, your skin has a cool undertone. Your eyes are blue-grey-green and your natural hair is usually ash blonde or brown. The skin does not tolerate bold or warm colours, you need a medium dynamic that does not overpower your natural beauty. Read our tips on colour advice for summer types:

Lipstick colour

Use pastel colours and cool tones even when applying make-up to enhance your natural beauty. Lipstick in a pale pink or dusty rose looks best on you.

Avoid colours

Avoid colours with a warm undertone such as orange, gold, yellow and bronze as they will make your skin look pale.

There are 3 summer types:

  • Cool Summer
  • Light Summer
  • Soft Summer

Colour analysis: Winter type

The Winter type is generally striking, rebellious and sexy. In their wardrobe, Winter loves bold, cool colours and combines them in rich contrasts: up to 3 different shades in one outfit. The outfits of the Clear Winter type are more colourful and cheeky. The Dark Winter type, on the other hand, has a much darker colour palette, which makes her look calmer and more serious. All these differences will be demonstrated to you directly in front of the mirror with the analysis cloth.

As a Winter type, you have pale skin with a cool undertone and dark hair. Your eyes are often blue, green or dark brown. Your skin does not tolerate pastel shades and looks best in bold, clear colours. Here are our tips for choosing colours for winter types:

Lipstick colours winter type

When choosing a lipstick, it is important not to go for a pastel or nude shade, but also not for a shade that is too dark. You can also try a shade of red: from berry red to cherry red.

Accessories for winter type

You should also match shoes and bags to your colour palette. We are often asked: What jewellery suits me best? Jewellery in silver, white gold or platinum suits the winter type. Preferably with bright, bold gemstones such as sapphires, emeralds and rubies.

There are 3 winter types:

  • Cool Winter
  • Clear Winter
  • Dark Winter

Colour analysis: Spring type

The colour palette of the Spring type is warm and strong. But again, the colour spectra, and therefore the outfits, are very different depending on the mix type. The outfits of the warm Spring type, for example, are cheerful and sporty. The light spring type prefers extravagant looks to express themselves. The light spring type, on the other hand, needs more calm and feminine outfits.

Seasonal colours for the spring type:

As a spring type, bright, vibrant colours that remind you of nature in spring suit you. Instead of cool blues or greys, choose colours that have a warm glow and golden undertones. Some examples of colours that suit a spring type are:

  • Grass green and lime green
  • Turquoise and bright light blue
  • Corn yellow and sunny yellow
  • Salmon and apricot
  • Beige and camel

Avoid colours

On the other hand, avoid bold, cool colours such as pink, royal blue and emerald green.

Colours in acceissores

Gold in accessories looks great with your warm skin tone and can add a touch of elegance to your look. Wear gold earrings, bangles or necklaces. For sunglasses, choose gold or brown lenses to match your skin tone. For accessories, avoid cool tones such as charcoal and dark blue.

There are 3 spring types:

  • Warm spring
  • Light spring
  • Clear spring

Colour analysis: Autumn type

The colour palette of the autumn type contains many warm, earthy tones. Again, there are 3 mixed types. The warm autumn type needs to learn how to use the warm autumn tones and combine them with style. The dark autumn type dresses much darker and more reserved. And the soft autumn type faces the challenge of combining cold and warm tones in one outfit.

Autumn type speciality: In the sun, your hair takes on a golden or reddish glow. Your eyes range from olive green to hazel. Your skin has an olive tinge that summer and winter types do not have.

Lipstick autumn type

Choose lipsticks in warm tones such as peach, terracotta, dark red or brown for your make-up. These colours will bring out your glow the best.

There are 3 autumn types:

  • Warm Autumn
  • Dark Autumn
  • Soft Autumn

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Contact us by phone or via Online-Form
+49 1631648882 Lena
+49 1631648885 Nina